The 5Cs World by CA Norman
The 5Cs
AI: The Energy Vampire We Didn't See Coming!

AI: The Energy Vampire We Didn't See Coming!

The energy consumption conversation continues with James Chalmers, a prominent sustainability investor and the founder of BaseCamp Capital.  

In the first episode of this series, we covered the huge waste of energy propagated by data centers.  This episode reveals the additional energy consumption demanded by AI (Artificial Intelligence). Specifically,

  • The Energy Demands of AI

  • Inefficiencies in AI Usage

  • The Importance of Effective Prompts

  • Sustainability Challenges in the Tech Sector

  • Strategies for Reducing Energy Strain

and James leaves us with 

Actionable Tips for AI Users

  • Craft Effective Prompts: Users should invest time in learning how to craft effective AI prompts to reduce the number of requests needed for a single task.

  • Be Mindful of AI Usage: Just as we turn off lights when leaving a room, we should be mindful of our AI interactions and their energy implications.

  • Support Sustainable Tech Practices: Advocate for and support tech companies that are committed to reducing their carbon footprints and investing in sustainable energy sources.

By understanding AI’s energy demands and adopting more sustainable practices, we can mitigate the environmental impact of these technologies and work towards a greener future.

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The 5Cs World by CA Norman
The 5Cs
Healing the globe can take many different paths. Imagine if most businesses took the lead in healing the planet and helping the people. Imagine the profit; imagine the impact. Imagine if it worked beyond our wildest dreams! Practical insights, provocative points of view. Simultaneously inspiring and educational. Join Charlene Norman every Saturday at 6 a.m. EST for this 2.1 version of Exploring Compassionate Capitalism.